Who Are The Rarámuri
Women used to wear triangular pieces of shell, and strings of red and blue beads. They made necklaces, called Kologa, and earrings, called Welaka, out of the seeds of Coix lachryma-jobi, a plant known as Job’s Tears, it was worn by men and women, mainly for medicinal purposes. The men put on a single string of these seeds, but women wrapped them several times around their necks. The astrologer or fortune teller, who is both a doctor and a priest, would always have one of them in ceremonies.
El Mexico Desconocido by Carl Lumholtz
Cronicas de la Sierra Tarahumara by Luis Gonzalez Rodriguez
Pueblos indígenas del Mexico Contemporaneo by Ana Paula Pintado Cortina
Photos by:
Ximena Natera
Pedro Tzontémoc
Bob Schalkwijk
Eduardo Saucedo
Rashide Frías